International Federation of Landscape Architects
Student charette
25th-27th September in Nairobi and Stockholm
Välkommen, Karibu, Welcome to the 2023 edition of the Student Charrette, September 25-27th in Stockholm and Nairobi!
We welcome undergraduate and postgraduate students of landscape architecture (or other relevant majors) to apply for participation in a three-day workshop exploring the power of digital storytelling.
Stories have long been used by cultures around the world to communicate values, teach life lessons, preserve histories and rituals, and entertain. They are a form of local knowledge of lived experiences and emotions, that told in the right way can influence change and encourage public participation. Among architects and planners, storytelling can support a more democratic and inclusive design process, identifying local history and culture to create landscapes where humans live with nature, as well as adapting to climate change.
Introducing digital media, new possibilities of working with storytelling is enabled. We can share stories in new ways, make voices heard and work cross-borders. Guided by experts from the Storytelling Academy at Loughborough University, the participants will acquire skills in Digital Storytelling and will co-create short videos about the urban landscape of Nairobi and Stockholm, while celebrating the landscape architecture and public spaces.
The Charrette will take place physically in Nairobi and Stockholm simultaneously with close interaction between the two locations virtually. The result of the Charrette will be showcased during the IFLA World Congress with the aim to inspire cross-border collaboration and knowledge exchange. As a participant you will be part of a unique initiative and write landscape architecture history under the theme Emergent Interaction!
We hope You are interested to join this journey!
Program duration: September 25 – 27, 2023 (3 days)
Day 1: Orientation, Team announcement, Introduction to Digital Storytelling and task
Day 2: Work in progress between Nairobi and Stockholm
Day 3: Finalizing stories, joint screening and discussion
Results: The final result will be showcased at the IFLA 2023 World Congress in Nairobi and Stockholm
NOTE: The above schedule is subject to change depending on the circumstances of the organizer.
Students majoring in landscape architecture all over the world (including graduate students). Student must be active students/enrolled in a program when the charette takes places.
15 students in Kenya and 15 students in Sweden, total of 30 students.
- In a maximum of 2 pages (A4 size), please describe yourself and why you should be admitted into the Charette. Include self-introduction, purpose of participation etc as well as the country (Sweden or Kenya) you wish to participate from. There is no specified format for the application. Maximum size 2 MB. State your contact details including first and last name, your email address and the country and name of the school/university and program where your are enrolled.
- Record a short film, maximum 2 min, where you talk about a memory from something in a public space. It can be a childhood memory, a memory around a certain place or a small detail that you have a certain connection to. Maximum size 2 MB
Apply by sending the application (according to above) in an email to info@ifla2023.com. State CHARETTE APPLICATION as subject in the header of the email.
Deadline for submissions 10 June at 23.59 hours (GMT)
Submission deadline: 10 June at 23.59 hours (GMT)
Selection announcement: June 30, 2023. The selected students will be contacted individually. The selection will be based on the application material as well as an equal division of participants between Sweden and Kenya.
Charette participants pay a fee of $50, which includes lunch, local transport, accomodation, workshop material etc, and program participation. (The fee does NOT include personal expenses such as breakfast, dinner, travel insurance, international travel etc.)
NOTE: A payment link for the participation fee will be sent to the selected applicants after the selection announcement. The fee must be payed before 15th of July or the spot is withdrawn.
The Student Charrette is funded by the Nava Polman-Gerson Foundation and The Swedish Institute.