28-30 september
We call it:
Emergent Interaction

IFLA 75: Histories and networks, a shift in perspective
- What can we learn about the development of landscape architecture from the understanding and studying of professional networks like IFLA?
- How did IFLA’s networks operate and how did they expand to become truly global?
- How can we reposition the role of Europe in the development of landscape architecture profession globally by exploring IFLA’s history?
- What can we learn through post-colonial readings of IFLA’s history and development? How did colonial networks influence its development?
- From its establishment, the Federation was particularly open to women, and therefore did play an important role in female professionalization in landscape architecture. What can we learn about the history of the Federation if we interrogate its history from the point of view of gender?
Presentation options
Oral presentation in (virtual) break out session
15 minute presentation during a break out session. Presenters are required to present in person in the digital session according to its acceptance. Registering to either Stockholm/Nairobi/online participation required.
IFLA 75: Histories and network abstracts:
- Language: English
- Theme IFLA 75: Histories and networks; A shift in historiographical perspective
- Title: max 10 words
- Abstract: max 350 words
- Keywords: max 3 keywords of own choice
- Author’s name, country, organization/institution, email address. A short biography should also be provided.
- Presentation location: Virtual session
Submission deadline: 14 April, 2023 at 23.59 (GMT)
Acceptance notification: 1 June, 2023
Registration deadline**: 15 June, 2023
Final program notification: Early September, 2023
**If your abstract is accepted, registration for the conference is mandatory. If you are not able to attend physically, there is an option to attend virtually. The organizers reserve the right to remove any accepted abstract or project whose author does not register by the deadline.
All accepted abstracts and projects will be published in the digital conference publication.
For general matters about the congress:
For matters specific to the Swedish registration, program etc:
For matters specific to the Kenyan registration, program etc: